The BraggEdges Handler Reference

class neutronbraggedge.braggedges_handler.braggedge_calculator.BraggEdgeCalculator(structure_name='FCC', lattice=None, number_of_set=10)[source]

This class calculates the h, k, and l values allowed for the given structure. The number of h,k,l set is by default set to 10 but can be changed

Args: structure_name: default ‘FCC’. Must be either [‘FCC’, ‘BCC’]


This calculate the d_spacing and bragg edges of the various h, k and l

This file will handle work to retrieve the right h,k and l set of data for the various structures

class neutronbraggedge.braggedges_handler.structure_handler.BCCHandler(number_of_set)[source]

BCC type handler

For this type, h+k+l must be an even number


calculate the list of hkl for BCC crystal structure

class neutronbraggedge.braggedges_handler.structure_handler.FCCHandler(number_of_set)[source]

FCC type handler

For this type, h, k and l must have the same parity


calculate the hkl allowed for a FCC crystal structure

class neutronbraggedge.braggedges_handler.structure_handler.StructureHandler(structure, number_of_set=10)[source]

Various structure handler