from .material_handler.retrieve_material_metadata import RetrieveMaterialMetadata
from .braggedges_handler.braggedge_calculator import BraggEdgeCalculator
from .utilities import Utilities
import os
[docs]class BraggEdge(object):
"""This is from where the user will retrieve all metadata and calculation
From **python**, first you need to import the package
>>> from braggedge.braggedge import BraggEdge
For a particular element you can retrieve:
- lattice parameter
- h, k and l values
- Crystal structure
- bragg edges values
For this example, we are retrieving the data for *Fe* and we are only
interested by the first *4* crystal orientation.
>>> _handler = BraggEdge(material = 'Fe', number_of_bragg_edges = 4)
>>> print("Crystal Structure is: %s" %_handler.metadata['cyrstal_structure]))
>>> print("Lattice is %.2f" %_handler.metadata['lattice'])
>>> print("hkl are: " , _handler.hkl)
hkl are: [][1,1,0],[2,0,0],[2,1,1],[2,2,0]]
>>> print("bragg edges are: ", _handler.bragg_edges)
bragg edges are: [2.0268, 1.4332, 1.1702, 1.0134]
It is also possible to display all metadata at once
>>> print(_handler)
Material: Fe
Lattice: 2.8664A
Crystal Structure: BCC
Using local metadata Table: True
h | k | l | d(A) | BraggEdge
1 | 1 | 0 | 2.0269 | 4.0537
2 | 0 | 0 | 1.4332 | 2.8664
2 | 1 | 1 | 1.1702 | 2.3404
2 | 2 | 0 | 1.0134 | 2.0269
Then you can export the resulting metadata into a CSV file
>>> _handler.export(filename = 'my_file_name.txt')
hkl = None
metadata = None
bragg_edges = None
d_spacing = None
def __init__(self, material=None,
new_material = None,
- material: name of the material such as 'Ni', 'Fe' ...
- new_material: dictionary of new materials defined as
[{'name': 'Ta',
'lattice': 0.333,
'crystal_structure': 'FCC'},
{'name': 'Ur',
'lattice': 0.5555,
'crystal_structure': 'BCC'}]
- number_of_bragg_edge: Default 10. Number of row to display and calculate data for.
- use_local_metadata_table: default True. Use local defined table to retrieve lattice parameters,
crystal structure. If False, will go to wiki web page.
if material is None:
if new_material is None:
raise ValueError("No material or new_material defined!")
#parse dictionary
list_material = []
for _element in new_material:
_name = _element['name']
_lattice_constant = _element['lattice']
_crystal_structure = _element['crystal_structure']
raise ValueError("Check the format of the new element array!")
material = list_material
if not (type(material) is list):
material = [material]
self.material = material
self.number_of_bragg_edges = number_of_bragg_edges
self.use_local_metadata_table = use_local_metadata_table
self._retrieve_metadata(new_material = new_material)
[docs] def get_experimental_lattice_parameter(self, experimental_bragg_edge_values = None,
experimental_bragg_edge_error = None):
"""calculates the experimental lattice parameter values given an array of
bragg edge values"""
if experimental_bragg_edge_error is None:
raise ValueError("Please provide an array of bragg edge values")
if experimental_bragg_edge_error is not None:
if len(experimental_bragg_edge_error) != len(experimental_bragg_edge_values):
raise ValueError("Make sure exp. bragg edge value and error have the same size!")
_calculator = self._calculator
exp_lattice_parameter = _calculator.lattice_experimentatl
return exp_lattice_parameter
def _retrieve_metadata(self, new_material=None):
"""This method retrieves the lattice and crystal structure of the material"""
_lattice = {}
_crystal_structure = {}
if new_material is None: #retrieve infos from ascii table
for _material in self.material:
_handler = RetrieveMaterialMetadata(material = _material,
use_local_table = self.use_local_metadata_table)
_lattice[_material] = _handler.lattice
_crystal_structure[_material] = _handler.crystal_structure
else: #local infos
for _element in new_material:
_material = _element['name']
_local_lattice = _element['lattice']
_local_crystal_structure = _element['crystal_structure']
_lattice[_material] = _local_lattice
_crystal_structure[_material] = _local_crystal_structure
self.lattice = _lattice
self.crystal_structure = _crystal_structure
self.metadata = {'lattice': self.lattice,
'crystal_structure': self.crystal_structure}
def _calculate_hkl(self):
"""This method calculate the set of hkl up to the number_of_bragg_edges specified"""
calculator = {}
_hkl = {}
for _material in self.material:
_structure_name = self.metadata['crystal_structure'][_material]
_lattice = self.metadata['lattice'][_material]
_calculator = BraggEdgeCalculator(structure_name = _structure_name,
lattice = _lattice,
number_of_set = self.number_of_bragg_edges)
calculator[_material] = _calculator
_hkl[_material] = _calculator.hkl
self._calculator = calculator
self.hkl = _hkl
def _calculate_braggedges(self):
"""This method calculates the braggedges values (and the d_spacing in the same time)"""
_d_spacing = {}
_bragg_edges = {}
for _material in self.material:
_calculator = self._calculator[_material]
_d_spacing[_material] = _calculator.d_spacing
_bragg_edges[_material] = _calculator.bragg_edges
self.d_spacing = _d_spacing
self.bragg_edges = _bragg_edges
def __repr__(self):
"""Display the metadata/hkl/d_spacing/bragg edge values"""
nbr_ticks = 45
for _material in self.material:
print('=' * nbr_ticks)
print("Material: %s" %_material)
print(u"Lattice : %.4f\u212B" %self.metadata['lattice'][_material])
print("Crystal Structure: %s" %self.metadata['crystal_structure'][_material])
print("Using local metadata Table: %s" %self.use_local_metadata_table)
print('=' * nbr_ticks)
print(u" h | k | l |\t d (\u212B) |\t BraggEdge")
print('-' * nbr_ticks)
_hkl = self.hkl[_material]
_bragg_edges = self.bragg_edges[_material]
_d_spacing = self.d_spacing[_material]
for index in range(len(_d_spacing)):
print(" %d | %d | %d |\t %.5f |\t %.5f" %(_hkl[index][0],
print('=' * nbr_ticks)
return ""
[docs] def export(self, filename=None, file_type='csv'):
"""Export the metadata into various file format
filename: output file name to create
file_type: format of the file to create
only 'csv' (simple comma separated format) is supported for now
IOError: if no file name is provided
if filename is None:
raise IOError
for _material in self.material:
_filename = self._format_filename(filename, _material)
_metadata = self._format_metadata(_material)
_data = self._format_data(_material)
if file_type is 'csv':
Utilities.save_csv(filename = _filename,
data = _data,
metadata = _metadata)
raise NotImplementedError
def _format_filename(self, filename, material):
_filename, _extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
new_filename = os.path.join(_filename + '_' + material + _extension)
return new_filename
def _format_metadata(self, _material):
"""Format the various metadata to put at the top of output file created"""
_metadata = []
_metadata.append("Material: %s" %_material)
_metadata.append("Lattice : %.4fAngstroms" %self.metadata['lattice'][_material])
_metadata.append("Crystal Structure: %s" %self.metadata['crystal_structure'][_material])
_metadata.append("Using local metadata Table: %s" %self.use_local_metadata_table)
_metadata.append("h, k, l, d(Angstroms), BraggEdge")
return _metadata
def _format_data(self, _material):
"""Format the data for the output file created"""
_data = []
_hkl = self.hkl[_material]
_bragg_edges = self.bragg_edges[_material]
_d_spacing = self.d_spacing[_material]
for index in range(len(_d_spacing)):
return _data