Source code for neutronbraggedge.lattice_handler.lattice

import numpy as np
import configparser
from ..config import config_file as config_config_file
from ..braggedges_handler.braggedge_calculator import BraggEdgeCalculator

[docs]class Lattice(object): """When the Bragg Edges, crystal structure and hkl are known, this class calculates the lattice parameter """ space = 75 material = None crystal_structure = None use_local_metadata = True bragg_edge_array = None def __init__(self, material=None, crystal_structure=None, bragg_edge_array=None, bragg_edge_error_array=None, use_local_metadata_table=True): self.material = material self._crystal_structure = crystal_structure self.crystal_structure = crystal_structure #only used to run test self.use_local_metadata = use_local_metadata_table self.bragg_edge_array = self._format_array(bragg_edge_array) self.bragg_edge_error_array = self._format_array(bragg_edge_error_array) #retrieve hkl o_bragg_calculator = BraggEdgeCalculator(structure_name = crystal_structure, lattice = None, number_of_set = len(bragg_edge_array)) o_bragg_calculator.calculate_hkl() self.hkl = o_bragg_calculator.hkl self._calculate() @property def crystal_structure(self): return self._crystal_structure @crystal_structure.setter def crystal_structure(self, structure_name): _config_file = config_config_file config_obj = configparser.ConfigParser() self._list_structure = config_obj['DEFAULT']['list_structure'] if not (structure_name in self._list_structure): raise ValueError("Structure name should be in the list " , self._list_structure) self._crystal_structure = structure_name def _format_array(self, bragg_edge_array): """Make sure that None value are replaced by np.NaN""" _bragg_edge_array_formated = [] if bragg_edge_array is None: sz = len(self.bragg_edge_array) _bragg_edge_array_formated = np.zeros((sz)) return _bragg_edge_array_formated for _value in bragg_edge_array: if _value is None: _value = np.NaN _bragg_edge_array_formated.append(_value) _bragg_edge_array_formated = np.array(_bragg_edge_array_formated) return _bragg_edge_array_formated def _calculate(self): """calculate the lattice parameters step by step""" self._match_bragg_edge_with_hkl() self._calculate_lattice_array() self._calculate_lattice_statistics() def _match_bragg_edge_with_hkl(self): """Match each bragg edge with its equivalent hkl""" _bragg_edge_array = self.bragg_edge_array _bragg_edge_array_error = self.bragg_edge_error_array zipped = zip(self.hkl, _bragg_edge_array, _bragg_edge_array_error) self.hkl_bragg_edge = list(zipped)
[docs] def display_hkl_bragg_edge(self): """Display the hkl_bragg_edge list using pretty table form""" print("hkl Bragg Edge Table") print("=" * print("hkl \t\t Bragg Edge Value\t Bragg Edge Error \t Lattice") print("-" * _lattice_array = self.lattice_array for _index, _row in enumerate(self.hkl_bragg_edge): _key = _row[0] _value = _row[1] _error = _row[2] _lattice = _lattice_array[_index] if np.isnan(_error): print("%r\t %.5f \t\t\t %.5f \t\t\t %.5f" %(_key, _value, _error, _lattice)) else: print("%r\t %.5f \t\t %.5f \t\t %.5f" %(_key, _value, _error, _lattice)) print("-" * print() return True
def _calculate_lattice_array(self): """Calculate the array of lattice parameters""" _hkl_bragg_edge = self.hkl_bragg_edge _lattice_array = [] _lattice_error_array = [] for _row in _hkl_bragg_edge: _hkl = _row[0] _bragg_edge = _row[1] _bragg_error = _row[2] [_lattice, _lattice_error] = self._calculate_lattice_coefficient(hkl = _hkl, bragg_edge = _bragg_edge, bragg_error = _bragg_error) _lattice_array.append(_lattice) _lattice_error_array.append(_lattice_error) self.lattice_array = _lattice_array self.lattice_error = _lattice_error_array def _calculate_lattice_coefficient(self, hkl=None, bragg_edge=None, bragg_error=None): """Calculate the lattice coefficient for the given set of hkl and bragg edge""" _h, _k, _l = hkl _term1 = np.sqrt(_h**2 + _k**2 + _l**2) _term2 = bragg_edge/2. _lattice = _term2 * _term1 _lattice_error = _term1 * bragg_error / 2. return [_lattice, _lattice_error] def _calculate_lattice_statistics(self): """Calculate the statistics of the lattice array - median - average - mean - std (standard deviation) - min - max """ _lattice_statistics = {} #min _min = np.nanmin(self.lattice_array) _lattice_statistics['min'] = _min #max _max = np.nanmax(self.lattice_array) _lattice_statistics['max'] = _max #median _median = np.nanmedian(self.lattice_array) _lattice_statistics['median'] = _median #mean _mean = np.nanmean(self.lattice_array) _error = self._calculate_mean_error(self.lattice_error) _lattice_statistics['mean'] = [_mean, _error] #std _std = np.nanstd(self.lattice_array) _lattice_statistics['std'] = _std self.lattice_statistics = _lattice_statistics def _calculate_mean_error(self, lattice_error): _mean_error = 0 _index = 0 _sum = 0 for _error in lattice_error: if not np.isnan(_error): _step1 = _error * _error _sum += _step1 _index += 1 _mean_error = np.sqrt(_sum)/ _index return _mean_error
[docs] def display_lattice_statistics(self): """Display the lattice statistics using a pretty table form""" _lattice_statistics = self.lattice_statistics print("Lattice Statistics") print("=" * print("min: %.5f" %_lattice_statistics['min']) print("max: %.5f" %_lattice_statistics['max']) print("median: %.5f" %_lattice_statistics['median']) print("mean: %.5f +/- %.5f" %(_lattice_statistics['mean'][0], _lattice_statistics['mean'][1])) print("std: %.5f" %_lattice_statistics['std']) print("-" * print("")
[docs] def display_recap(self): """Display a summary of input and outputs""" print(" -- Recap --") print("=" * print("Material: %r" %self.material) print("Crystal Structure: %r" %self._crystal_structure) print("-" * print("") self.display_hkl_bragg_edge() self.display_lattice_statistics()