Source code for neutronbraggedge.utilities

import numpy as np

[docs]class Utilities(object): """Utilities class""" list_of_time_units = ['s', 'ms', 'micros', 'ns'] @staticmethod
[docs] def convert_time_units(data=None, from_units='micros', to_units='s'): """convert the time units Parameters: * vdata: single data or array of value to convert * from_units: default 'micros'. Must be either ['s','micros','ns'] * to_units: default 's'. Must be either ['s', 'micros', 'ns'] """ if data is None: raise ValueError("Please provide data to convert") list_of_time_units = Utilities.list_of_time_units if ( not (from_units in list_of_time_units) or not (to_units in list_of_time_units)): raise ValueError("Units convertion not supported") coeff = Utilities.get_time_conversion_coeff(from_units = from_units, to_units = to_units) if (type(data) is list): data = np.array(data) return data * coeff
[docs] def get_time_conversion_coeff(from_units='micros', to_units='s'): """return the coefficient to use to convert from first units to second units Arguments: * from_units: default 'micros'. Must be in the list of list_of_time_units * to_units: default 's'. Must be in the list of list_of_time_units Returns: * coefficient to apply to data to convert from first units to second units provided Raises: * ValueError: if any of the units is not supported """ if (not (from_units in Utilities.list_of_time_units) or not(to_units in Utilities.list_of_time_units)): raise ValueError("Units not supported") if from_units == to_units: return 1 if from_units == 's': if to_units == 'ms': return 1.e3 if to_units == 'micros': return 1.e6 if to_units == 'ns': return 1.e9 if from_units == 'ms': if to_units == 's': return 1.e-3 if to_units == 'micros': return 1.e3 if to_units == 'ns': return 1.e6 if from_units == 'micros': if to_units == 's': return 1.e-6 if to_units == 'ms': return 1.e-3 if to_units == 'ns': return 1.e3 if from_units == 'ns': if to_units == 's': return 1.e-9 if to_units == 'ms': return 1.e-6 if to_units == 'micros': return 1.e-3
[docs] def array_multiply_coeff(data=None, coeff=1): """multiply each element of the array by the coeff Parameters: * data: array to apply coefficient on * coeff: default value is 1. Coefficient to apply Returns: * data * coefficient """ if data is None: raise ValueError("Give me at least something to multiply!") final_data = np.array([]) for _item in data: _value = float(_item) * float(coeff) final_data = np.append(final_data, _value) return final_data
[docs] def array_add_coeff(data=None, coeff=1.): """Add coefficient to each element of the array Parameters: * data: array to apply coefficient on * coeff: default value is 1. Coefficient to apply Returns: * data + coefficient """ if data is None: raise ValueError("Give ma at least something to add!") final_data = np.array([]) for index in range(len(data)): _item = data[index] _value = _item + coeff final_data = np.append(final_data, _value) return final_data
[docs] def array_divide_array(numerator=None, denominator=None): """Divide two arrays of the same size Parameters: * numerator: numpy array * denominator: numpy array Returns: * numerator / denominator Raises: * ValueError if array do not have the same size """ if len(numerator) != len(denominator): raise ValueError("Arrays do not have the same size!") return numerator / denominator
[docs] def array_minus_array(array1=None, array2=None): """Substract second array from first array provided Parameters: * array1: left side of the '-' operator * array2: right side of the '-' operator Returns: * Array1 - Array2 Raises: * ValueError if arrays do not have the same size """ if len(array1) != len(array2): raise ValueError("Arrays do not have the same size!") return array1 - array2
[docs] def load_csv(filename=None): """Load a csv file and return its content Parameters: * filename: name of the csv file to load Returns: contents of the file as an array item for each line Raise: ValueError if format is wrong """ _input_file = filename try: f = open(_input_file, 'r') _tof = [] for _line in f: if '#' in _line: continue _value = float(_line.strip()) _tof.append(_value) return _tof except: raise ValueError("Bad file format")
[docs] def load_ascii(filename=None, sep=''): """Load an ascii file using the separator provided to separete the value in the same row Parameters: * filename: ascii full file name of file to load * sep: default ' '. Separator to use to separate values in the same row Returns: Array of values Raise: ValueError if file does not exist or format is wrong """ _input_file = filename try: _final_array = np.genfromtxt(_input_file, delimiter = sep) return _final_array except: raise ValueError("Bad file format!")
[docs] def save_csv(filename=None, metadata=None, data=None): """Create comma separated file (CSV) Arguments: * filename: name of output file * metadata: metadata string array (will be placed at the top of the file with '#' in front) * data: data float array""" sep = ", " f = open(filename, "w") for _meta in metadata: f.write("# " + _meta + "\n") for _row in data: if (type(_row) is np.ndarray) or (type(_row) is list): _row_string = [str(x) for x in _row] _row_format = sep.join(_row_string) else: _row_format = str(_row) f.write(_row_format + "\n") f.close()